Feeling Rosie
Everyone can't resist a good Lush bath once in a while and for me it has definitely been a while! I usually like to pick up a few baths bombs now and then, but this time I decided to buy a box called Rosie which includes all things to do with roses. I love roses and this box was absolutely perfect for me because it included products I have already used and loved and other products that I have yet to try.
You don't need to use the whole thing to get a decent amount of bubbles. It turns your bath pink with a little sparkle (I am a sucker for glitter), and it has a rose jam scent which isn't too heavy, however it lingers on your skin for quite a bit. Your skin is also left baby soft after using this!
Ro's Argan | Body Conditioner
Being extremely lazy means I will cut corners when I can. You smooth this onto your skin when you're in the shower and then you rinse it off. It is supposed to leave your skin moisturised and soft. It does leave a slight residue on you after you've rinsed it off, but after a few hours that feeling goes away. I would probably only use this on a special occasion because I am not a big fan of how it leaves my skin afterwards!
Jason and the Argan Oil | Shampoo Bar
I have yet to use a shampoo bar from lush, so this seemed a good of time as any. I love the smell and how it lingers on my hair for a couple of days. It produces a decent lather, which I did not expect from a Solid Shampoo. It left my hair a little drier than usual, so I tend to only use this product on my scalp and not the ends of my hair. Storage is a tad annoying as I don't feel the need to buy a shampoo tin as I don't intend on investing in anymore of these, but I love the idea of less packaging!
Tisty Tosty | Bath Bomb
The scent is relaxing and fresh, I adored the rose buds floating around in the bath however, the bath water was a bit plain, so if you like your bath crazy colours, this might not be the one for you.
Rose Jam | Shower Gel
A forever favourite of mine! It lathers up extremely well and the smell stays on your skin. The only downside is that this is a Christmas limited edition product.
I am very happy with this box and I would definitely recommend it to you as it includes a wide variety of rose scented products which every rose lover needs!
I am very happy with this box and I would definitely recommend it to you as it includes a wide variety of rose scented products which every rose lover needs!
What have you been enjoying from Lush lately?
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