Mac Haul


My make up wish list has been growing exponentially lately and I have finally given in to it and bought a few things! The best thing about buying online is that you can easily find the shades you want, unlike when you're in store and you start swatching everything and buying way too much..then again I think I achieved that anyway.

Mac Brave Lipstick - Pink-beige with white pearl 
Mac Eyeshadow WedgeSoft muted beige taupe 
Mac Eyeshadow Charcoal BrownMuted taupe brown 
Mac Lip Liner SoarMid-tone pinkish brown 
Mac Lip Liner WhirlDirty rose 

I may or may not have copied some of Kylie Jenner's lip colours! If you haven't tried out these lip colours you definitely should. I never thought that a brownish lip would ever suit me, but it is surprisingly flattering. 

Have you guys recently got anything from Mac?

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