Second Exam.
12:29To put it went horrible. Mainly it was my fault due to the lack of revision, and one question where the lecturer stated that these learning objectives would not be tested on in the exam, due to time constraints for teaching. But that didn't stop them did it? sigh.
The way my exams are structured is that it is composed of 2 sections. Section A and Section B, which are both equally weight 50/50. Within Section A there are short answer questions and a DAI (data analysis question). Section B consists of 3 different essay questions where we answer only 1.
I personally think the main panic lies in Section B, where there is a possibility that you may be completely ignorant to all questions (god forbid that happens to me in any of my next 5 exams).
Anyway, I could have done way better, but its too late now. No point worrying about whats in the past. Whats done is done.
On another note, the invigilator was adorable. He offered us tissues if we wanted to cry and apologised for the lack of vodka, as they are only allowed to hand out water!
2 DOWN, 5 TO GO.
-sinks back into the corner of the room clutching my revision notes- goodbye. good luck. :D
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